Do You Need A Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer?
There are many ways to handle a car accident, but few are as effective and practical as hiring a drunk driving accident attorney. Insurers are instructed to settle with you for as little money as possible to save their bottom line. You can contact your insurance provider to negotiate a settlement on your own, but it’s risky.
Though Virginia is a “fault” state, motorists can purchase add-on Personal Injury Protection, which you may or may not have, depending on your policy. The state also requires drivers to carry minimum insurance of $50,000 per injured person, $100,000 per accident for additional injured people, and $25,000 per accident for property damage. These allowances on the other motorist’s insurance should feasibly pay for your medical expenses before any elective PIP coverage kicks in.
Yet, you could hit a speed bump. What if the other driver denies intoxication and blame? What if the insurer responds with a quick, seemingly low settlement offer? What if your condition is worse than expected, and your medical bills are escalating? Or if your luxury car is worth much more than $25,000? If you’re unsure how much a “fair” settlement is in light of possible future expenses? That’s why the car accident lawyers of Rutter Mills is here. We represent your best interests in negotiations and court, if necessary, for many different types of accidents including drunk driving accidents, fatal car accidents and more.