In 2015, Monsanto reaped close to $5 billion for all its glyphosate-based herbicides, marketed under the brand names: Roundup Pro, Roundup Ultra, Ranger Pro, Bronco, Accord, Honcho, Campaign and Landmaster. Glyphosate is the most common active herbicide in American agriculture with over 200 million pounds used annually.
Plaintiffs argue Monsanto breached their duty to warn about Roundup cancer risks. Promotional materials and advertisements led the public to believe that Roundup and other glyphosate herbicides posed no unreasonable threats to humans or the environment. One Monsanto ad stated that “Roundup can be used where kids and pets play and breaks down into natural material.” Litigation filed against Monsanto states that the company employed deceptive and misleading language to boost Roundup sales, despite studies that indicate the cancer-causing effects of glyphosate.