Have a Safe and Happy New Year!

Have a Safe and Happy New Year!

Firm News

As we ring in another new year full of hope and new possibilities, we need to remember the extreme dangers of drinking and driving. New Year’s Eve has long been associated with parties, festivities, and unfortunately drinking and driving. If you are out celebrating the New Year, it is not enough to not drink and drive; we all have a responsibility to do whatever we can to prevent our friends and family members from making a bad decision. Remember, we all share the roadways and anything we can do to keep a drunk driver off the road is the responsible thing to do.

Every year, hundreds of accidents occur because of drunk drivers on New Year’s Eve. This, along with the injury and fatality toll are truly sobering statistics. If you are on the road this holiday season, be aware of those around you and please do not drink and drive. If you or a family member are hit by a drunk driver, call the car accident lawyers of Rutter Mills. Our firm does not represent drunk drivers, we oppose them. We stand up for those injured due to someone else’s negligence, and we are proud to stand up for the victims in these tragic circumstances.

If you’ve been injured in an accident, call us today for a free consultation
