Brother Rutter Named CoVA Biz Most Influential
I decided to commit fully to home, to family and to this community. It was the best decision I ever made.
I decided to commit fully to home, to family and to this community. It was the best decision I ever made.
Read MoreIt is not news to most that texting and driving can be a very dangerous activity, especially to our Texting While Driving Accident Lawyers. In fact, most people know how dangerous it can be but do it anyway – creating a very dangerous disconnect. There have been two extreme examples of this in the news […]
We’ve all seen the “Work Zone, Reduce Speed” signs on the road, and experienced the perceived inconvenience of having to reduce our speed despite not always seeing the work at hand. Many of us may at times question the validity and the purpose of such a sign and a restriction, but make no mistake speeding […]
While every case is different, there are a few constants in every auto injury case. The first such constant is that as soon as the accident occurs, the insurance company is immediately on the defensive – becoming your opponent very quickly. The insurance company is a very well educated, and well funded operation with an […]
To parents of teenagers it should come as no surprise that today’s youth are doing a great deal of texting. As these teens get older and get their drivers license, this can become a huge and extremely dangerous problem if it is not addressed. The FCC provides a few guidelines for dealing with teen drivers […]
With the summer coming to a close, and school about to be back in session it is a good time to talk about teen driver safety. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers in the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Drivers at the highest risk level are males, […]
In the next few weeks schools in Hampton Roads will be back in session, and the roadways will be full of kids headed to to school. Since we have all had a summer free of school buses and child pedestrians on the road, it is worth noting a few extra precautions that we should all […]
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