Brother Rutter Named CoVA Biz Most Influential
I decided to commit fully to home, to family and to this community. It was the best decision I ever made.
I decided to commit fully to home, to family and to this community. It was the best decision I ever made.
Read MoreIf you are in a car accident caused by a hit and run, Rutter Mills may be able to help.
Serious, sometimes fatal auto accidents can be caused by blind spots. These auto accidents occur more frequently than you may think. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, roughly 840,000 blind spot related accidents happen annually. Every driver is at risk of this kind of accident simply because all vehicles have blind spots. What […]
Slip and fall accidents are very common, and can result in serious injury that may hinder your quality of living. According to the National Floor Safety Institute, these accidents account for more than one million emergency room visits each year. Many of these accidents take place in ill-maintained parking lots. Oftentimes, patrons trip over a […]
No one is more negligent than an intoxicated driver. Although the risks of drunk driving are well known, and the penalties if arrested are extensive, driving under the influence is still a major issue. This comes as no surprise to the Car Accident Lawyers at Rutter Mills. Drunk driving accounts for roughly forty percent of […]
Aggressive driving is a conscious disregard for the safety and courtesy of fellow drivers, passengers, and/or pedestrians. It is a serious issue that can result in dire consequences to you or another driver. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, over 1,500 people are injured or killed in the U.S. each year by aggressive […]
Red light running, especially at intersections, can lead to serious car accidents. Research has found roughly 1,000 people are killed annually due to these crashes. Urban intersections are a particular hot spot for red light running. These accidents are frequent, and typically result in serious injuries. This comes as no surprise to the Car Accident […]
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