Talk To Your Teen About Texting and Driving

Rutter Mills Law Firm

Talk To Your Teen About Texting and Driving

Car Accident Info

To parents of teenagers it should come as no surprise that today’s youth are doing a great deal of texting. As these teens get older and get their drivers license, this can become a huge and extremely dangerous problem if it is not addressed.
The FCC provides a few guidelines for dealing with teen drivers that can help parents communicate the gravity of distracted driving.
What You Can Do, courtesy of our Car Accident Lawyers at Rutter Mills:
Give Clear Instructions – Give teen drivers simple, clear instructions not to use their phones while driving. According to Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association, the easiest way to say it is: “On the road, off the phone.” Before new drivers get their licenses, discuss the fact that taking their eyes off the road – even for a few seconds – could cost someone injury or death.
Lead by Example – Children learn from their parent behavior. No one should text and drive. Be an example for your children and if you need to text or talk on the phone, pull over to a safe place.
The sooner we can express the seriousness of distracted driving to your teens, the safer the roadways will be for all of us.

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