Teen Driver Safety

Rutter Mills Law Firm

Teen Driver Safety

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With the summer coming to a close, and school about to be back in session it is a good time to talk about teen driver safety. Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers in the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Drivers at the highest risk level are males, teens driving with passengers, and teen drivers who have had their drivers license for less than one year.

As teen drivers go back to high school, there is generally a lot on their mind – and safe driving can tend to get lost in the mix. I will never forget in the first weeks of my senior year of high school, a student was killed by the reckless driving of another student and it was one of the saddest things I have ever seen. If you are the parent of a teen driver, please take a moment to express the gravity of the situation and put emphasis on safe driving. Our Car Accident Lawyers at Rutter Mills can speak for the importance of having these conversations with teens.

Below are a few serious risk factors that should be addressed:
Wear Your Seat Belt – Teen drivers have the worst rates of buckling up of all drivers. Seat Belts save lives every day, make sure your teen always wears their safety belt.

Avoid Risky Behavior – Speeding, Distracted Driving, Following too closely, and aggressive driving are high on the list of mistakes made by teen drivers. Make sure your teen avoids this risky behavior at all costs.

Do not Drink and Drive – 33% of teen drivers in fatal auto accidents in 2009 tested positive for alcohol.

Distracted Driving – Texting and Driving is a huge problem, and teen drivers are some of the biggest culprits.

Talk to your teen and stress the importance of safety on the roadways this back to school season, you won’t regret it!

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