5 Tips to Keep Kids Safe This Halloween

5 Tips to Keep Kids Safe This Halloween

Hampton Roads Living

Traffic safety is incredibly important during the Halloween season. According to the American Automobile Association and State Farm Insurance companies, Halloween is the deadliest night of the year for pedestrians. Children are especially vulnerable. According to a great child safety website, Safe Kids USA, twice as many children are likely to be killed by vehicles on Halloween night than any other night throughout the year.

There’s no trick to keeping kids safe this Halloween. Vehicles are the number one threat to trick-or-treaters. “Because of the high volume of kids out on Halloween, more are hit by cars than at other times of the year,” says Kyran Quinlan, M.D., chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ council on injury, violence, and poison prevention. As drivers, we should all do our part to abide by the laws of the road and watch out for child pedestrians. Here is our top 5 list to prevent accidents and injury this Halloween.

  1. Be extra careful when entering and exiting driveways. Turn your radio down and keep your window cracked to listen for potential children crossing your path.
  2. Slow down! Watch for children walking on roads, medians and curbs.
  3. Avoid neighborhood shortcuts. Children are more likely to be walking in neighborhoods than busy streets and highways.
  4. Put the cell phone away. Given the unpredictability of pedestrian foot traffic on Halloween night, drivers should pull over and turn off their vehicles if they intend to use their cell phones.
  5. Drive sober. Never drink and drive – tonight or any night. If you are partying, designate a driver.

Rutter Mills cares about your child’s safety. Sometimes, through no fault of your own, accidents do happen. That’s where we come in. If you or a loved one has experienced an injury as the result of someone else’s negligence, contact the personal injury attorneys at Rutter Mills Law Firm immediately. We have staff members on call 24/7 to speak with you about your injury claim. Feel free to call or text us at 757-777-7777 anytime, or if you would like to speak with us later, fill out a contact form and we will contact you directly. Together, we can make Halloween a safe and fun night for our community.

If you or a loved one has been injured, contact us today for a free consultation
