Think Before You Sign Anything in a Personal Injury Claim

Rutter Mills Law Firm

Think Before You Sign Anything in a Personal Injury Claim

Personal Injury Info

As Personal Injury Attorneys, one of the first questions we always get is “The insurance company is trying to get me to sign something, what should I do”. Well, the short answer is “Don’t Do It”.

The long answer is that when the insurance company gives you something to sign, they are looking to close the book on your personal injury claim. Remember, insurance adjusters aren’t on your side, their job is to minimize the liability and costs for their company.

Once you sign an injury settlement document form the insurance company the claim is over and you will never get another dime from the insurance company for your injury, regardless of whether or not your body has healed. If you are inured in an auto accident, and the insurance company tries to get you to sign something, recognize the importance of the decision and contact a personal injury attorney for a free, no obligation consultation of your legal rights. As a trusted Virginia Beach accident and injury law firm, we are committed to helping accident victims recover the compensation they deserve.

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A Rutter Mills case is a serious case. It may mean you have been badly injured. It certainly means you have a lot on the line, and the resolution of your case will make a big difference to you, your family, and your life moving forward.
