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Our United States veterans deserve all the support our country can offer, especially when they have become wounded or ill as the result of their military service. For a veteran, understanding exactly what he or she is entitled to is extremely important, especially right now. By mid-March of 2016, the Social Security Administration plans to expedite all claims from veterans with a VA disability rating of 100% (Permanent and Total). In light of this, here is some important information for all veterans seeking the disability compensation they deserve.
Can disabled veterans receive both Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and disability benefits through the Veterans Administration (VA)?
Yes. If you’re a disabled veteran, you can receive both Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and disability benefits through the Veterans Administration (VA).
What are some important differences between SSDI and VA benefits?
SSDI recipients need to demonstrate the inability to perform full-time employment due to one’s medical impairments; conversely, you can receive VA compensation as long as a medical condition is deemed service-connected. In fact, veterans who have a service-connected medical condition rated at 0% can seek an increase in the rating should the condition worsen in the future.
Once you apply for – and receive – benefits in one program, does that make acceptance in the other easier?
It depends on the case. In some instances it does, and in others it makes no difference. To know whether it may help your case it is wise to consult with an attorney who specializes in this area of law. Our disability attorneys at Rutter Mills have handled thousands of disability claims, successfully representing disabled clients before the Social Security Administration and in appeals to federal courts.
Are veterans guaranteed social security benefits if they collect Veteran’s Administration benefits?
No. There is no guarantee. In some cases it makes it easier, in some cases it makes no difference, and in some cases it makes it harder. It really depends on the particular facts of one’s case, which is why it is important to consult with an attorney who specializes in these areas of law, like we do every day at Rutter Mills.
The Social Security Administration states that both Social Security and Veterans Affairs pay disability benefits to qualifying individuals but, their programs, processes, and criteria for receiving benefits are different. A Veterans Affairs compensation rating of 100% P&T does not guarantee that you will receive Social Security disability benefits. In order to receive disability benefits from Social Security, the impairment must be so severe that the person would be unable to perform any full-time work.
How can I receive expedited processing of my Social Security disability application?
If you are a veteran rated 100% P&T, you must: Identify yourself as a “Veteran rated 100% P&T” when you apply for benefits. If you apply in person or over the phone, tell the Social Security representative that you are a veteran rated 100% P&T. If you apply online, enter “Veteran 100% P&T” in the “Remarks” section of the application, and provide Social Security with your Veterans Affairs notification letter (or Rating Decision) that verifies your rating.
What should you do if you need help filing for Social Security Disability?
The odds of winning your Social Security Disability case substantially increase if you are represented by an attorney. If you need help filing for Social Security or Veterans Administration benefits, call Rutter Mills. We specialize in helping disabled individuals get the Social Security or veterans’ disability benefits they need and deserve.
Please consult with a Rutter Mills Social Security Disability Attorney as soon as possible to review your claim. Call or text Rutter Mills at 757-6777-7777, or contact us today. We are here to help.
A Rutter Mills case is a serious case. It may mean you have been badly injured. It certainly means you have a lot on the line, and the resolution of your case will make a big difference to you, your family, and your life moving forward.
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