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Have you been injured in a car accident while driving a work vehicle? Depending on your case, you may be able to file for both a personal injury and a workers’ compensation claim. There are many of us who drive employer-owned vehicles for work purposes. The greatest risk you can face as a driver is an car accident. Rutter Mills represents those who have been injured in many types of auto accidents, and those of many different professions, including:
-Construction truck drivers
-Delivery drivers
-Bus drivers
-Sales personnel
-Home health aids
-Utility Service drivers
If your accident qualifies as a worker’s compensation case, you may obtain benefits such as compensation for medical treatment and lost work wages. If you suffer from a permanent injury due to the accident, you may receive a dollar award for the injury. To qualify as a valid worker’s compensation claim, you must be driving to, from, or at a job site. Driving for work related purposes may also apply. If you were driving the work vehicle for reasons other than work, you would not qualify for benefits.
What would be a situation in which you can file a personal injury case? You can file a personal injury claim if there is a negligent third-party. If you have a valid case, you can seek compensation for pain and suffering, future lost wages, or vehicle damages. What is considered an accident by a negligent third party?
-A negligent driver; caused by alcohol, texting, etc.
-A manufacturer of faulty vehicle parts.
-A city government with unsafe and unkempt roads.
At Rutter Mills, we handle both auto accident and workers’ compensation claims. We can help you recover the maximum compensation for your injuries. If you feel you are getting the run-around from your employer or insurance company, please call the car accident lawyers at Rutter Mills today. You can reach us at 757-777-7777. Call today for a free, no obligation consultation.
Contact Us for a Free Case Evaluation
Our team is ready to listen day or night – 7 days a week, so contact us now to see how we can help you on the road to recovery.