When an injury or illness costs you the ability to support yourself financially, you can feel powerless to deal with the mounting bills. The inability to meet your financial needs is one thing, but struggling to provide for your loved ones only worsens this situation. Contact us at Rutter Mills for a free consultation with our Williamsburg social security lawyers to discuss your options.
Williamsburg Social Security Disability Lawyers
What Benefits Are Available?
The benefits available on an SSDI claim will depends on your work history. You could be entitled to no more than $300 per month at the low end. At the high end, you could recover $2,000 each month as a replacement for your prior wages. Social Security Administration (SSA) will calculate the specific amount.
Further, your benefits depend on how much you worked in the ten years before your disability. Other factors could limit your benefits, as well. For example, if you are receiving benefits through a workers’ compensation claim, you could see your SSDI benefits reduced by that amount. As Williamsburg lawyers for Social Security disability, our team at Rutter Mills will advise you on all the factors that impact your chances for recovery.
Timing Is Everything
How Long Does It Take To Receive Benefits?
There is no easy answer to this question. If your case goes to a hearing before an administrative law judge, it could take anywhere from 30 to 120 days to receive a written decision. If the judge sides with you, you could receive benefits shortly after the order is entered. If you do not prevail at your hearing, you have the right to seek a re-hearing.
In addition, there is a waiting period before benefits can kick in. According to the law, you are required to wait five months from the date the SSA determines your disability began. A Williamsburg social security disability lawyer can help guide you through the process. We keep in contact with people we have developed relationships with over several decades. That helps our clients get answers faster.
How Rutter Mills Can Help
No matter if you have never filed a SSD claim or if trying to file an appeal, a Williamsburg social security disability lawyer can assist you in your claim.
Unfortunately, most people that file an SSD claim are denied in the first round of review, and a large part of claim denial is either missing information or an incorrectly filled out form. With the help of one of our experienced attorneys, you can count on everything being filled out and submitted correctly and on-time.
If you were initially denied, you can still file an appeal. However, without the help of a Rutter Mills attorney, you will be at a disadvantage representing yourself in your hearing.
To have the highest chance of getting SSD benefits approved, contact a Williamsburg social security disability attorney today and explore your options.
Call or text 24/7 at 757-777-7777 or fill out the contact form here to schedule a free consultation.
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Workers Compensation
If you’ve been injured on the job, workers’ compensation insurance may entitle you to critical assistance like medical treatment, lost wages, and more. But insurance companies will put up an aggressive fight to resist paying you the compensation you need and deserve. Rutter Mills can help get you the money you deserve.